SHIFT: Marleen's Story
Charity Videos, 2019
A series of charity films which aims to empower people aged over 45 to participate in sexual health services and improve their sexual health and wellbeing.
The SHIFT films are a series of six short films which were shot in the Netherlands and the UK and created as part of the SHIFT (Sexual Health in the Over 45s) project, a multi-country campaign organised by a consortium of charities which aims to empower people aged over 45 to participate in sexual health services and improve their sexual health and wellbeing. The films explore topics such as HIV, STIs, relationships, menopause, barriers, and stigma.
Four of the films are in Dutch and were shot in the Netherlands, which involved arranging cast, crew and locations from a distance and shooting all 4 films back-to-back accross four days.
Made in partnership with Nutmeg Productions, the NHS, Metro Charity and East Sussex Council.
Explore the other SHIFT films